Althusser Reading Prompts
* In discussing Benjamin, we talked about how economic and socio-political systems can beget or inscribe aesthetic systems. How might this idea carry over into Althusser's essay?
* Compare & contrast how Althusser and Benjamin understand history & historicization, in relation to (re)production. In so doing, you might consider the relation of time and space and how they are represented by the authors.
* How does Althusser's use of words like infrastructure, system, and machine relate to the ways we've been using them, in class, thus far?
* Is there a machine metaphor at play in Althusser's characterization of the State and/or is machine culture the product of the State?
* How does Althusser describe the relationship of the individual to the State, the law, authority (intellectual as well as legal), religion, other individuals, the machine, etc? How does this compare to the portrayal of these relations in the films that we've watched, this far?
That's a start. I'd like you to come to some conclusions on your own. This essay had a very deep impact on me when I first read it as an undergrad, and I'd like to hear your initial responses. It's been very influential in contemporary political, philosophical, and art (ie film, lit, semiotic, etc) theory, and is worthy of very close reading.
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